A pedometer is a device that determines the distance (in miles or kilometers) a person travels on foot.  A step counter is a device that tracts the number of “steps” a person takes.  Most people use the generic term “pedometer” for either device.

Wearing a pedometer morning to night is a great way to measure how active you have been throughout the day.  Whether your goal is to achieve better health or to lose weight, every step you take throughout the day counts.  Physical activity is essential for anyone looking to lose weight or maintain a weight loss.  Recent studies have found that people who walk an average of more than 10,000 steps a day are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who are sedentary.  To lose weight without dramatically changing your food intake, many people must boost their daily steps to between 12,000 to 18,000 steps per day.  If you are trying to lose weight, slowly increase your goal until it is between 12,000 and 18,000 steps per day .  Also, your heart will thank you for it !  This rate of activity should result in weight loss of 1 to 2 # per week.

Other activities that keep you moving and add up over time include:

  • Cycling–150 steps per minute
  • Aerobic exercise–150 steps per minute
  • Swimming (without a pedometer)–150 steps per minute
  • Gardening–100 steps per minute
  • Weight training–100 steps per minute
  • Tennis doubles–100 steps per minute
  • Housework–92 steps per minute
  • Yoga–88 steps per minute

Decreasing calories while increasing your activity could achieve greater weight loss.  You can purchase a pedometer at the local sporting goods store. A pedometer that records steps is adequate, many also record miles walked, calories  burned or kilometers walked.  Some pedometers even download the information into a computer.  Many pedometers  have more bells and whistles than most of us need.

Keep tract of your steps and you will be amazed at what can happen.