If you are skeptical that group workouts could offer more intense and beneficial health benefits, there is considerable research linked to added benefits. According to research published in...Read More
As more individuals initiate exercising in different classes, the injury rate goes up. Exercise classes have many benefits of improving strength, balance,, flexibility and easing pain. ...Read More
Exercise is not all about your body. Building muscles and conditioning your heart and circulatory system are side effects. Exercise is really about your brain according to New York ...Read More
There is another drug problem quietly developing: The elderly are popping too many prescription pills. The phenomenon is called polypharmacy, multiple studies trace its dramatic rise.....Read More
According to Traci Mann, PhD, professor of Psychology @ Univ. of Minnesota, most people do not succeed in keeping that weight off. The majority of people gain the majority of the weigh...Read More
Information provided from Mary Cushman, MD, a hematologist and professor of medicine at University of Vermont. Scientists first began theorizing about the links between blood type and ...Read More
Information provided from Erin D. Michos, MD, at John Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine: Myth: If cholesterol is too high, you need a statin Some people with high cholesterol do not benefit from ...Read More
More people are complaining of elbow pain with unsuccessful treatment. Based on our lifestyle, of sitting more with computers, smart phones, increased eating, etc it is reasonable to have more problem...Read More
By simply varying your exercise routine, you can improve the health benefits of your workout..overcome boredom and reduce the risk for injury. If you are a walker, add high-intensity interval tr...Read More
If yoga is your thing, add cardio exercise. A recent finding revealed that heart disease patients practicing yoga in addition to aerobic exercise had twice the reduction in blood presure, choles...Read More