Is there a connection between “text neck” and neck pain??

Signs and Symptoms of Text Neck

•Instant upper back or neck pain when using a handheld device.

•Nagging or sharp pain in the neck or shoulders at the end of the day.

•General shoulder pain and tightness.

•Intermittent or constant headache made worse when looking down or using the computer.

Bad posture while texting can lead to spine problems, resulting in chronic neck pain, persistent shoulder pain, chronic back pain and the development of text neck. Over time, this slouching forward increases the wear and tear on your spine, and it can lead to spinal degeneration and spinal misalignment.

One study by Kenneth K. Hansraj, MD, Chief of Spine Surgery at New York Spine Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine, revealed that when you look down at your smartphone, it is as if you are adding as much as 60 pounds of weight on your neck. This approximates the same weight as six grocery bags filled with food or four adult-sized bowling balls. It’s also equivalent to an 8-year-old child.


The first step you should take is limit how much time you are spending on your cell phone. Give yourself some restrictions when it comes to 

answering your texts or designate specific times each day. Keep these times to a minimum, which can help reduce how much pressure you are placing on your neck and spine.

The second way to prevent text neck is focusing on strengthening your core. Strong core muscles, which consist of your lower back and abdominal muscles, help support your upper body and neck. 

Because your core muscles don’t typically get enough of a workout with normal daily activities, specific exercises that target these mid-section muscles, are needed to be strengthened.

Attempt to maintain proper posture throughout the day as much as possible. 

Think of the pelvis as a bucket of water, breath out and pull the pelvis up and back, keeping the pelvis level, also lengthen the spine by pushing the head back on the shoulders, keeping it off the chest. Twice daily stand with back against the wall, head on shoulders, pinch shoulders together. breathing in 5 seconds,breathing out 10 seconds keeping low back and head against the wall.  Repeat 5 reps.

STRENGTHEN upper back with therapeutic tubing 

GO To: scroll to strengthening shoulder muscles.  Do the 

exercise twice weekly.

Also scroll to lengthening shoulder muscles, complete Pectoralis stretching exercises holding 30 seconds, repeating 2-3 reps, twice weekly.

If one has upper back pain and difficulty maintaining proper posture, posture supports are available to wear through out the day For information 

GO TO:  click on orthopedic section.