We’ve all been told that a high salt diet is a leading cause of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and heart failure. What doctors don’t tell patients..what many doctors don’t know …is salt doesn’t have that same effect on everyone’s blood pressure.
Many people do better when they consume more than the USDA’s recommended daily sodium limit of 2,300mg(roughly the amount of one teaspoon of salt).
If you’re sensitive to salt, exceeding the recommended daily limit of 2,300mg of sodium can cause sharp rise in blood pressure. Research shows that salt sensitivity affects about half of people with high blood pressure and about 20 % of people who have normal blood pressure.
People consume staggering amounts of sodium in Japan, France, and South Korea. The average south Korean consumes more than 4,000mg of sodium a day. In France and other and other Mediterranean countries eat very salty foods with most meals. Yet these countries are among those with the lowest death rates from coronary heart disease in the world, Japan and South Korea boast among the highest longevity.
There are no readily available tests to determine whether a person is salt-sensitive.Discuss this with your doctor for their suggestions on how to check if you are salt-sensitive.
Everyone should check the sodium content on food labels.
Everyone should check the sodium content on food labels. Unless you eat a lot of pretzels, chips and other super-salty foods, you are unlikely to eat more salt than your body can handle.. unless you are salt-sensitive.
People should avoid processed foods…mainly because these foods tend to be high in sugar, which can increase the risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Most processed foods also lack fiber and a lack of fiber can cause sugar spikes. It is better to indulge your salt craving with foods that are naturally salty..for example, sea vegetables, seafood, cheese and olives.