Make New Balance Exercises a part of your daily activities.

Take a minute or two after brushing your teeth OR while waiting for the coffee to brew OR microwave cooking OR take a short break  from computer work OR during ads on tv. 

Achieve better posture, increase leg strength, improve confidence and stabilize your body through a series of Balance Activities.

Keeping one’s balance is a complex process.

It involves the use of many of the body’s mental and physical attributes.

To balance safely, one must rely on a constant flow of information to and from the brain about how the body is positioned.

Always have a chair or counter close by in case you lose your balance

Level 1 face chair or counter. One or two fingers touching the chair. touch the toes forward on the ground or floor. Touch  the toes backward on the ground or floor.  Touch toes across the body on floor or ground.  Touch toes out to the side of the body Bring foot to resting foot.  Repeat with other foot.  Alternate 3-5 times. If able to complete the 4 different exercise movements  5 times 3-5 consecutive days without balance loss progress to level 2. 










Level 2  Repeat Level one without touching chair with hand or fingers.  Repeat 3-5 times.  If able to complete the 4 exercise movements 5 times

3-5 consecutive days without balance loss progress to level 3. If you have balance loss remain  at present level.  

The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum.  Its function is to coordinate muscle movements, maintain posture and balance. Practicing this exercise until able to complete it without balance loss, strengthens the cerebellum and balance.

Level 3  face chair or counter. One or two fingers touching the chair. point the toes forward off the ground or floor (Do not touch the floor). Point the toes backward off the ground or floor.(Do not touch the floor)  Point toes across the body off floor or ground.(Do not touch the floor)  Point the toes out to the side of the body (Do not touch the floor) Bring foot to resting foot.  Repeat with other foot.  Alternate 3-5 times. If able to complete the 4 different exercise movements  5 times without balance loss 3-5 consecutive days without balance loss progress to level 4  .  















Level 4  Repeat Level three without touching chair with hand or fingers.  Repeat 3-5 times (Do not touch the floor).  If able to complete the 4 exercise movements 5 times without balance loss progress to level 5. If you have balance loss remain at present level until able to complete exercise 5 times without balance loss 3-5 consecutive days without balance loss  then progress to level 5 .  

Level 5 (Advanced)  face chair or counter. Fingers not touching the chair.

 Point the toes forward off the ground or floor (Do not touch the floor), holding the position for 5 seconds. Point the toes backward off the ground or floor.(Do not touch the floor) holding the position for 5 seconds Point toes across the body off floor or ground.(Do not touch the floor) holding the position for 5 seconds. Point the toes out to the side of the body (Do not touch the floor)holding the position for 5 seconds Bring foot to resting foot.  Repeat with other foot.  Alternate 3-5 times. If able to complete the 4 different exercise movements  5 times without balance loss 3-5 consecutive days without balance loss progress to level 6.













Level 6 (Advanced)  face chair or counter. Fingers not touching the chair.

 Point the toes forward off the ground or floor (Do not touch the floor), holding the position for 5 seconds. Raise one arm forward, one arm back. Point the toes backward off the ground or floor.(Do not touch the floor) holding the position for 5 seconds. Raise one arm forward one arm back. Point toes across the body off floor or ground.(Do not touch the floor) holding the position for 5 seconds. Point the toes out to the side of the body (Do not touch the floor)holding the position for 5 seconds .  Raise arms out to your side. Bring foot to resting foot.  Repeat with other foot.  Alternate 3-5 times. If able to complete the 4 different exercise movements  5 times without balance loss progress continue at  level 6. 2-3 times weekly.